If you’re the sort of person that values peace and quiet, you’d have probably wondered about how to make certain parts, if not the whole house, soundproof. Your walls may be thick, but the presence of windows, doors, hallways, and every tiny opening imaginable means you’re not totally free from noise.
The noise can sometimes be too much to handle, whether it's the kids causing a ruckus in the next room or the honk of cars filtering in from outside. Read on if you’re thinking of techniques and tips to soundproof the house effectively.

How does soundproofing work?
Whatever soundproofing solution you eventually go for, the general idea is the same- to block the flow of sound waves into the space. Sound travels through the air at different frequencies, with the louder sounds tending to emit the highest frequencies.
Like electricity, the passage of sound can be amplified by some materials and optimized by others. The trick in soundproofing is strategically placing the right materials in those spaces where the sound filters in to block passage.
Why should you soundproof your home?
We’ve already mentioned one of the reasons why you may want to insulate your home- i.e., due to noise disturbances from without and within. Even if you’re not concerned about the noise around you, you should be aware that noise pollution is a major health hazard that might affect your hearing, your ability to concentrate on important tasks, and ability to rest well. In other words, noise pollution has adverse psychological effects that impact your mood, perception, and problem-solving ability.
DIY methods for home soundproofing
Here are some easy ways to soundproof your home:
Pay attention to the doors and windows
Sealing your doors with weather strips helps keep noise out. You can also consider replacing your windows altogether with a soundproof type. Inside the house, you should do away with hollow doors.
Check for wall cracks
Your entire door does have to gape open for you to suffer noise pollution, as the smallest cracks in the walls can just be as problematic.
Budget-friendly methods to soundproof your home
If you’re on a budget, these easy techniques can help you achieve the soundproof effect:
Use more furniture
More heavy pieces add more mass to the room, which in turn creates more obstacles for sound waves to pass through within the house. You can get more tables, sofas, wardrobes or bookcases.
Use thick carpeting
Many floor types carry sound well, so an easy way to soundproof the house is to install thick rugs and carpets.
Add door seals
Cracks and spaces underneath doors are some of the biggest sources of noise incursion into the house. You can block these leakages by applying acoustic sealant tape to the door's top, bottom, and sides.
Get the ultimate soundproofing solutions today
Although the tips recommended above can help you reduce noise in your house, you’ll want a more effective, wholesome solution that completely blocks out all forms of noise.
Acoustic panels, Barisol Stretch ceilings, and Artolis wall fabric coverings are far more efficient solutions that can help you soundproof space for your needs. Whether you simply want a place to relax in peace or you’re creating a man-cave or indoor cinema, reach out to us today to get started.